Master's Degree

300 USD

500-700 USD

1500-2500 USD

Government; Infrastructure;
Private Sector

Norton University;
Beltei International University

In any job, projects must be completed in a timely manner before their deadline. When there are numerous employees working on the same project, the responsibility for finishing gets spread out and individuals may not work in the most efficient manner because they believe someone else will do it. Could you be responsible for ensuring all projects for a company are met before their deadline and by using all resources in the most efficient way?

A Project Manager ensures that all day-to-day objectives set at the start of each project are met and that all tasks are completed to standard and to budget. They work closely with Site Supervisors and relevant parties to meet client requirements. Additionally, the Project Manager, together with the client, will go through the screening process for contractors and subcontractors, as well as perform risk assessments and any other activities to keep the project on schedule.


  • According to the Project Management Institute, Australia has the
    top salary for project management practitioners.
  • The project length of the La Sagrada Familia church in Spain is
    131 years, with completion set for 2026.
Heng Socheath
Project Manager
LBL International
What I enjoy the most about my position is the different construction techniques that can be used, and researching new method statements for construction.

I graduated with a Civil Engineering degree from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia and then continued my studies in France, completing a one-year Master’s of Site Management Skills. In 2014, I returned to Cambodia and began working as a Project Engineer for LBL, before being promoted.

On a day-to-day basis, I would compare my job with being a team leader in the construction industry. I receive all the architectural drawings and structural drawings, allowing me to get a clear understanding of the construction methods and the manpower required. I solve any problems that arise onsite and ensure the safety of workers during construction.

What I enjoy the most about my position is the different construction techniques that can be used, and researching new method statements for construction.

Working on a construction site is always challenging, especially learning and sharing new construction techniques, which require precise technical solutions that can take time to master. Another challenge is managing our manpower to meet our construction schedule, as it is crucial to prevent delays.

Cambodia’s economy has been growing rapidly. Today we can see dozens of construction sites rising above the cities, whether apartment complexes or office buildings. There is a large demand for Civil Engineers, especially those who understand construction projects. Employers hiring a Project Manager in the civil engineering field will be looking for people who understand construction techniques and have the ability to lead a team. My advice would be to try and get as much experience and exposure as possible, even if that means volunteering your time. This will help you refine your understanding of everything that revolves around a construction site, from start to finish, so that when you go for a job you will impress with your knowledge.