Master's Degree

400-500 USD

600-700 USD

1500-2500 USD

Government; Infrastructure;

Institute of Technology of Cambodia (Techno)

Access to water is fundamental for daily life so when water-based systems stop working, quick solutions must be found and repairs made. By gaining a solid understanding of water, innovative projects can be initiated to improve all aspects of the water cycle as well as hygiene standards.

A Water Engineer will usually have an engineering background (civil or otherwise), and then go on to specialise in water-based projects, such as wastewater disposal, sewage management, flood prevention and damage control, and clean water supply. They work from system inception all the way through to handover, and also are responsible for asset maintenance and repairs of all water related equipment.


  • In 2012, Beijing consumed 3.6 billion cubic meters
    (950 billion gallons) of water.
Mr. Lo Chay
I have always wanted to be part of something meaningful where I could apply what I have learned in university.

I am the Co-Founder of 1001Fontaines, a French NGO started in 2004, which aims to provide isolated communities with a sustainable supply of safe drinking water. Through my years with the organisation, I’ve held different positions, from Field Project Coordinator, Project Manager and Executive Director for Cambodia.

I hold a Master’s in Water Management and I have always wanted to be part of something meaningful where I could apply what I have learned in university. Improving the health of rural communities by enabling access to safe and clean drinking water, which they can drink, is what motivated me to take on this job.

I am responsible for ensuring that our goals, missions and strategies are met and implemented accordingly. On a daily basis, I oversee the recruitment of new staff and mentor our Managers to enable them to make the best decisions in the field. Working in a social enterprise you co-founded has positives and negatives. What I enjoy most is building the perfect team for each project and finding a way to keep our projects running. At the same time, this can be one of the most difficult challenges I face – the need to always find financial resources to help run projects and sustain our enterprise.

When my job title changed from Project Manager to Executive Director, I went to study an MBA in Management to increase my knowledge and ensure that I could lead the right way. I want to use my knowledge and experience to make an even greater social impact.

Access to safe and clean water is crucial to our health, our wellbeing and our life expectancy. And if anyone is interested in providing people with the most basic need and has passion, I highly recommend working in water management. My advice to anyone who wants to get into this field of work, you should always take time to understand what the job requirements are, what the company’s mission is, and do some research prior to your interviews.